Last Updated on November 9, 2021 by the Dobies Horticultural Team
Native to Asia, Europe and North America azaleas are widely admired as beautiful spring flowering shrubs. So admired that spring-time azalea festivals are held in many countries with some lasting several days. Could this all be about to change?
The new Azalea Encore is more than just a spring flowering azalea – it’s the best re-blooming azalea in the world! Azalea Encore is unique in that after the first flush of spring flowers it will produce new shoots and new flower buds. This new growth will provide new flowers in the summer and yet more in the autumn.

The shrub really will flower from March to April, from late June to early July and then again during September. Blooming will stop with the first frosts but even then the shrub remains attractive with its evergreen foliage.
From January 2015 Dobies are offering 2 varieties of Azalea Encore as follows:
Autumn Sangria – Boasts single dark pink flowers up to 9cm across.
Autumn Princess – Light-green foliage in spring, striking purple foliage in winter and salmon-coloured flowers in spring, summer and autumn. What’s not to love?

These plants will be supplied in 9cm pots and will look lovely in mixed perennial borders or in large containers but will need either acidic garden soil or ericaceous compost.
To achieve great results simply chose a spot in the garden where the plants will be in sunlight for 4 to 6 hours each day. Then dig a nice wide and deep hole and mix in some moss peat or compost. Plant your azalea and give it a good drink. During the first year do be sure to give the plant plenty of water whilst it becomes established.
So, in summary, what’s so great about Azalea Encore?
– Flowers from spring through to autumn
– Easy to grow in beds or containers
– Attractive evergreen foliage
– Very hardy plus the buds won’t go brown when frosted
– Requires no deadheading
Dear Team I am wanting to purchase a few Encore azalias. Could you please help me please. best wishes from Dave McEvoy
I am interested in Azalia Encores that flower more that once a year. Can you please advise whether your shop in Radstock have stock of any of these and if so what varieties and colours and prices. Can I order on line please.