Four raised beds filled with vegetables and herbs in Summer 2013The secret potager last summer
With the 21st June being the longest day this is a month of wonderfully long daylight hours, warmth and sunshine. Ideal conditions for plants to grow strongly. The flower garden will now be at its most colourful but it’s the June vegetable garden on which we will concentrate here.

What to Sow Direct?

The soil will have warmed up nicely so, provided there are no weeds and you water regularly, this is a perfect month for sowing vegetable seeds outdoors. Straight lines will help with spotting weeds and hoeing but your sweetcorn needs to grow in blocks.
Salad crops           Peas              French Beans            Carrots           Swede
Turnip                   Beetroot       Kohl Rabi                   Turnip             Watercress
Sweetcorn             Pak Choi      Runner Beans          Kale                  Spinach

What to Plant?

The danger of frost has gone and so those vegetable plants you’ve been nurturing in the greenhouse and in cold frames can now be planted out. Stake where necessary, remember to water and provide protection from hungry pests.
Outdoor Tomatoes           Peppers           Aubergines           Broccoli            Kale
Cauliflower                         Cabbage          Sweetcorn            Celery               Chillies Runner Beans                    Courgette       Marrow                  Squashes         Sprouts

What to Harvest?

Sorry but you really do need to stop cutting asparagus from the middle of the month as the bed needs time to recover for next year. Thankfully, there’s plenty of other veg to harvest and enjoy.
Salad crops                     Turnips               Peas                       Sorrel              Radish
Early Potatoes                Mangetout        Courgettes            Chillies            Early Carrots
Broad Beans                  Calabrese           Garlic                     Cauliflower    Spinach

What to Do?

Regular watering is essential this month as is the application of liquid feed. First thing in the morning or in the evening are the best time to water. The warmth and the water will be encouraging not only your plants but also the weeds to grow so keep the hoe handy.
Apply greenhouse shading              Thin out seedlings – take care with carrots
Plant out in final positions               Take natural pest control precautions,
Move citrus trees outside                Remove side-shoots from cordon tomatoes

Flaming June? Bring it on, our June vegetable garden is are ready!

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