modular wooden compost bins

Autumn means shorter daylight hours and falling leaves, but there’s still plenty to do in the garden to prepare for the next growing season. In fact, tackling a few simple tasks now will set you up for a dazzling display next year!

From protecting half-hardy plants to making compost, Kris Collins, Head of Horticulture at Dobies, shares six tips to prepare for spring gardening success.

Six jobs to tackle in autumn

1. Collect fallen leaves and make your own valuable leaf mulch

Rake up wet fallen leaves and place in a pierced black sack for the winter. Come spring, you should have a usable leaf mulch to spread around your beds and borders. Remember to leave some fallen leaves and small leaf piles as habitats for hibernating wildlife and insects.

2. Remove perennial weeds

Perennial weed seedlings that have settled this season should be pulled up before they establish deep roots and really take hold in the garden. Removing them in autumn gives you an easier start next year.

3. Protect half hardy plants

Protect the more tender plants in your garden with horticultural fleece or move them to a frost-free location to give them a strong re-start next year.

4. Lift tender bulbs and tubers

It’s time to lift dahlia tubers, gladioli bulbs and begonia tubers as the plants die back through autumn. Store them in dry conditions over winter and you’ll be able to replant them next spring. While you’re at it, why not take a moment to plant a few more spring bulbs like tulips, crocus, daffodils or snowdrops to get your garden off to an early start?

5. Sow green manure

Sow green manure seeds on the veg patch to improve the soil for next year’s crops. Green manures like clover can be simply dug into the soil next spring to boost your summer harvests.

6. Give everything a deep clean

Now is a great time to deep clean greenhouses, cloches, water butts, pots and tools, so you’re all set to go as soon as the weather warms up next year.

Keep abreast of all the jobs to do in your garden each month by visiting Ann’s almanac. And once you’ve tidied up your autumn garden, browse our excellent range of high quality flower seeds and vegetable seeds and stock up on all your favourites. 

Lead image: Modular wooden compost bins from Dobies

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