Last Updated on January 15, 2024 by the Dobies Horticultural Team
If you’re searching to grow something new in the garden, then look no further than the New Rob Smith Range. We have a selection of new flower seeds, vegetables and fruit plants for you to grow! This is a personally curated collection from our horticulture expert, heritage vegetable enthusiast and guardian of heritage seeds. It is sure to have something for every gardener or be a great start for a beginner grower.
Growing your own fruit and vegetables has to be one of the most rewarding things any gardener can do. Not only can you grow varieties which would be hard-pushed to find in a greengrocers, but you can grow the more expensive kinds, and save along the way.
New Rob Smith Flower Seeds
If you want to grow blooms to have an abundance of fresh cut flowers for your home, then Rob Smith Flowers are a great choice. His range includes all his own favourite flowers for cutting and some newbies for you to try!

Marigold (French) Seeds
This is not your regular French marigold, its big, bold and beautiful! ‘Firebird’ is a result of modern breeding, producing big plants with big numbers of stunning, anemone style flowers with a copper edge graduating to red and orange in the center.
A real show-stopper of a plant that looks amazing grown as an annual hedge or simply use a few plants to fill a border with colour. Alternatively, plants can be grown in pots, creating a look that’s miles away from your average French marigold.

Alaska Ladybird – Nasturtium Seeds
A first in nasturtiums, the ‘Alaska Ladybird’ variety has creamy-green variegated leaves with red ladybird spotted, yellow flowers. An excellent trailing, ground cover plant, perfect for both baskets and to cover the ground with a burst of colour!
A great plant to attract beneficial insects to your garden or veg patch. Leaves and flowers are perfect to add to salads, seeds can be pickled to make ‘poor mans capers’.

New Rob Smith Fruit Plants
The Rob Smith Fruit collection contains special varieties that you can’t buy on the market shelf. Chosen especially for Dobies by Rob, the range features his own firm favourites that grow really well on an allotment and in the garden.

Loch Ness – Blackberry Plant
This award-winning blackberry has thornless plants and is excellent for pollinators. A super producer of high yields of glossy blackberries (UP TO 3.6KG). The number one variety used by commercial growers as it grows and crops so well. Crops from August to first frosts. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.
Melon Mangomel
A new type of melon that has undertones of mango when ripe! Large, creamy-yellow fruit are bursting with flavour and juice, plus they are delightfully aromatic. Producing around 4-6 fantastic fruit per plant. Best grown in a greenhouse but could be grown on a sunny patio in the south of the UK or under a cloche. 5/5 in recent Which? trials. The fruit colour visibly changes from grey/green to a creamy yellow to tell you it’s ripe and ready to enjoy.
Gardening Catalogue 2021!
Melon Mangomel features on the front cover of our Gardening Catalogue for 2021. Order a copy of our latest catalogue here!

New Rob Smith Veg Plants
Rob’s Smith’s range of vegetable plants is great for growing on the allotment, in the garden and in containers. Rob wants you to grow your own goodness and get the best from your garden. If you’re keen to start growing your own and you’re not sure where to start, our Rob Smith selection takes the guesswork out of getting it right. Now it’s time to pick your perfect produce.

Cucumber Plants – Green Fingers
An early outdoor, predominately female flowering variety which can also be grown in a greenhouse. Green Fingers produces high yields of smooth dark green spineless 10cm long fruits. Fruits have a good crisp texture and sweet flavour, perfect as a snack or for lunch boxes. Excellent resistance to powdery and downy mildew and good tolerance of cucumber mosaic virus and cucumber vein yellowing virus.

Tomato Grafted Plants – Noir De Crimee
Noir De Crimee is a heritage variety originating on the Isle of Krim in the Black Sea, therefore, it’s used to growing in a climate more like our own rather than many varieties which prefer warmer temperatures. These tomatoes have a gorgeous dark red/purple to brown colour with green/brown shoulders which make for a beautiful looking tomato. Renowned for its flavour, the fruit has a softer feel when ready to harvest. Chop the fruit, add basil and olive oil and serve with crusty bread, delicious!

Cucumber Grafted Plants – Socrates
Socrates is vigorous, strong plants produce numerous mini, bitter-free cues around 15-18cm long. An ‘all-female’ variety best grown in a greenhouse or tunnel. Socrates is regarded as one of the best tasting cucumbers on the market today. Parthenocarpic (meaning it will fruit without pollination), extremely disease resistant and resistant to powdery mildew. One of the best to crop if it’s a cloudy or dull summer with low light levels.
New Rob Smith Veg Seeds
Growing your own veg from seed is the most economical way to enjoy delicious veg all summer long. Whether your growing on a windowsill, in patio pots or on your veg plot, the Rob Smith Range has a variety for all plot to plate occasions!

Lettuce Seeds – Bronze Beauty
Its history and unusual leaf shape gives it a bit more interest compared to regular lettuce.The ‘Bronze Beauty’ is a stunning lettuce variety with super-sweet green leaves are blushed with bronze, especially the younger ones. Rob says “I’d been trying to find this old heritage variety for ages as it has such great flavour and looks amazing in the garden. The unusual leaf shape gives a bit more interest in the garden compared to regular lettuce, plus they are slow to set seed and you’ll be able to crop them for longer too. Also known as Bronze Arrowhead. Winner of the AAS award in 1947, recorded as “the finest, most colourful and delicious variety”.

Pepper Chilli Seeds – Carolina Reaper
Grow the World’s Hottest Chilli Pepper! The Carolina Reaper was rightly voted the Worlds’ Hottest Chilli by the Guinness Book of Records! Bred in South Carolina by crossing a Ghost chilli with a Habanero, this chilli pepper weighs in at an incredible 2.2 million on the Scoville Scale. This devilish chilli pepper plant should be handled with extra care and is not for the faint-hearted!Each devilishly hot chilli pepper has a fruity, cinnamon/chocolate taste before the mind-blowing heat kicks in. The bumpy, lumpy Carolina Reaper won’t all look the same as they grow, but the majority will have a pointed scorpion tail that is typical of this ‘super-hot’ chilli.
We hope you enjoy the new varieties on offer this year from the personally curated Rob Smith Range! Rob has a real passion for gardening and these varieties that have stood the test of time and produce amazing crops.
You can follow Rob on his Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with the best tips and tricks in the business!
If you find yourself growing what Rob grows, then be sure to share your gardening activities on our social media pages!
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